Tips For Making Your Home Quick and Easy to Clean

by Fayola Gaia

Tips for a Clean Home

Tips for a Clean Home

Creating a home that is quick and easy to clean will take some work to get it done. However, after that, all you need to do is stick to a cleaning maintenance plan.

With a clean home at the ready, you will have the following benefits:

  1. Avoid the embarrassment of the unexpected guest.

  2. Get your time back to do fun things and spend quality time with your family and friends.

  3. Mental clarity. Less frustration. Having a mind that is clear to think about other things.

  4. Less of a manic rush to clean up for special occasions at the last minute.

  5. Having an almost constant visual of a clean and organized home gives you motivation to keep it that way. Broken window theory.

Tips for Turning Your Home into one that is Quick and Easy to Clean

  1. Start with a management plan.

  2. Do a time audit. Take control of your time. This will show you your time commitments. Here is a situation where you can remove some commitments and make time to clean.

  3. Use checklists.

  4. Know your impediments. Make sure to have all tools at hand before you start any cleaning task.

  5. Become a minimalist. Consider getting rid of furniture if you have to much. Books and clothes (less laundry to do) if you have too much that's not used.

  6. Start big. Deep clean to quickly get to done. Hire a cleaning service if necessary to get you started.

  7. Finish small. Maintain with small regular cleaning tasks.

  8. Take before and after pictures.

  9. Don't try to organize anything until you declutter.

  10. Avoid double work. For example, dust from top to bottom. Make sure to have your tools at hand to avoid walking back and forth or having to go to the store after you've started.

  11. Once you start a task, finish it otherwise you'll have to start all over again.

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