Keeping stainless steel taps extra shiny...

by Amanda Petawawa

A wonderful trick to keep stainless steel taps extra shiny and spot free, is to apply a very small amount of car wax onto them when finished regular clean. This will help keep them cleaner for longer, as the water just beads off. Sometimes I also use a small amount of furniture polish if I have no wax. It really works!!

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Jul 06, 2011
Never thought of that
by: Anonymous

For the longest time we have been using Weiman's Stainless Steel Cleaner in our cleaning service it has worker ok, but adding car wax is a great idea. I have also noticed that when stainless steel appliances are really smudged up sometimes just really hot water and a buff does the trick. Still I am going to buy some car wax and give it a shot ty.

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