5 Practical Tips To Keep Your House Clean

Here's the best way to stay on top of your house cleaning and keep your house clean - especially when there are a million cleaning tasks to complete.

Your cleaning tasks need to be approached systematically, rather than randomly.

Keep Your House Clean
  1. Start by looking at the workflow for a small cleaning task. That is...

    • Make the cleaning task,

    • Schedule the task,

    • Complete the task when scheduled.

    • Rinse and repeat for each task regularly (for example, daily, weekly or monthly)

  2. Schedule your cleaning sessions. What tends to work best for me is having a cleaning routine early in the mornings and a tidy-up routine in the evenings. Each sesson is assigned a checklist of cleaning and tidying tasks that I expect to complete.

  3. Use organization tools to keep your checklists and schedules together. Choose what works best for you.

    On housecleaning-tips.com you can find information about using a household notebook and online solutions, which you can use to print your checklists list agendas. These come with the days and times that your tasks are due to be completed. They can also be printed and added to your household notebook regularly.

  4. Edit your checklists. As you go along following your cleaning and tidying routines, you may realized that there may be to many tasks left uncompleted. There are a few things you can do to fix that...

    • Reduce the frequency of a task, so if possible and without causing extra elbow grease on your part, instead of doing a task daily, reduce the frequency to 3 or 4 times a week.

    • Reduce the number of cleaning tasks. To do this and not have your home look like it's being neglected - make a commitment to do some regular decluttering. Using your list of cleaning tasks can be a helpful guide to help with decluttering. For example, is dusting and moving around knick-knacks how you really want to spend your cleaning time? Getting rid of those means getting rid of a cleaning task.

  5. Be sure to also have a cleaning supplies checklist and that you have all that you need for your next cleaning session.

    Besides cleaning solutions and mops and brooms, this includes making sure that the machines such as washers and vacuum cleaners, which assist you with your cleaning tasks, are in good condition and are ready to be used.

    Nothing throws me off my schedule more than missing supplies or broken cleaning equipment.

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