5 Gems on How to Clean Your House and Manage It the Old Fashioned Way

How to clean your house

Through my long journey of learning about house cleaning and home management, I've found some interesting and useful gems from the past. In particular a textbook published in 1914. It's called ""Foods and Household Management" by Helen Kinne and Anna M. Cooley. Chapter 22 provides direct value with the focus on house cleaning.

In this article I'm going to share with you five tips that were useful or just interesting to me...

  1. "...there should be some definite plan for the days of the week and the hours of the day, and some division of work among the members of the family or between the family and paid helpers"

  2. "The mop, which is a cloth or fiber fabric on a handle, is something that we ought to banish when we can, for it is hard to keep clean, and is a trap for bacteria." (They were even against mops in 1914.)

  3. "The fabrics and upholstery used in furnishing catch dust which contains lint, grit, organic material from our bodies, and bacteria. Fabrics also become spotted. The walls and ceilings, floors and cracks, catch dust. All wood and glass surfaces become soiled from the touch of even clean fingers, and the moisture of the air mixed with dust dulls them. Metal surfaces oxidize, and this oxidized layer must be rubbed off."

  4. "The old-fashioned yearly house cleaning seems hardly necessary if cleaning is well done through the year, but in both fall and spring some extra freshening may be necessary in the way of thorough cleansing of textiles and furniture. All closets should have everything removed from them and the whole closet cleansed. Drawers should come out, be emptied, washed and aired, and fresh white or brown paper put in all."

  5. "Too often in planning the budget, and the daily work, the housekeeper forgets to allow for the constant wear and tear on the house itself, and its furnishings; but to preserve the beauty and usefulness of both the house and furniture, as much thought and time are necessary as for the repair of clothing. In addition to the care and cleaning, there must be a constant attention to small repairs."

You can read the chapter for more details of house cleaning and management when you fill out the form below and hit the Get Your Free Report Today button

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How To Clean Your House: Advice From the Past

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In it you'll get...

  • The exact practices used for household management back in 1914 -- you'll be shocked to know that we still use some of these today.

  • The best methods of removing dust, cleaning paint, woodwork and glass.

  • Instructions on how and why you should make an inventory of household goods in a card file -- e.g., "Keep bed linen and towels, piled preferably on shelves, near bedrooms and bathrooms, marked and numbered. Put the clean underneath when they come from the laundry."

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