Digital Organization: Making Your Digital Toys More Efficient

Ok, I'm guilty of it and I know I'm not alone on this. My digital toys are over cluttered and disorganized. It usually takes longer than necessary to find what I'm looking for and try using the search feature when you can't remember the name of a file.

Well it's time for a digital cleanup using the DOC method. Declutter, organize and clean.

Declutter: trash what you don't use or need (example files and apps). Like me, you might be amazed at the number of copies you have of one thing and you know why this happens right - can't find it when you need it so you get another one.

Next, organize what you have left. If you have 10 or less file remaining then your work is done. Otherwise, you need to have a place for everything. Your file system must be obvious to you. Look at each file and think, "If I needed to find this, where would I look?". Your answer to this question will help you to create an efficient organization system for you. No more multiple copies of the same stuff.

Finally, it's time for the cleanup. On a windows system you can do the defragmentation to improve the performance of your computer. Mac systems do this automatically, so you don't have to worry about it.

The advantage of a digital cleanup - a faster system, you save time looking for stuff, you can actually see your desktop image (-;

Before you leave, be warned - don't put the cart before the horse. Organizing before decluttering is a pain and a waste of time. In the end, nothing really gets done.

: : Digital Organization

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